A series of water colours on street scenes and landscapes was produced from 1957 to 1961 when Dr Choong was pursuing his fine art studies at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan. He adopted the freer post impressionist and expressionist approaches to portray the subject matters by using water colour, a medium convenient for outdoor painting. | ||
这一系列描绘街景和风景的水彩作品是在锺博士从 1957 至 1961 在台湾师范大学深造时所创作的初期作品。由于深受高更和马提斯和其他印象大师的影响,故用色比较大胆豪迈。笔调轻松而不拘束。他以轻松的笔触和鲜明的色彩,描绘了台北的大街大街小巷,山地景色和宝岛风情。自发性的敷色和轻松的笔调可说是这一系列的特点。 |